Which camera is best for nature?

I love photography, and right now I have a canon rebel t1i but I'm getting a new one soon. I honestly don't know which one to get. I was thinking a pentax or a Nikon for a change?

Nikon, it has more high quality contrasty pictures.

Changing camera brands will NOT produce better nature photography.
Your old T1i is perfectly capable of producing brilliant images of nature or any other subject.
What YOU have to do is learn how to use it.
If you are looking for a camera with a better performing sensor, then you need to look on this website.
Since making changes from one camera system to another is VERY expensive, then take your time before spending your money

There's nothing wrong with the camera you have, but learning how to get the best out of it - and looking at lenses that might help you to do what you want - isn't a bad idea.