Nikon SLR Cameras

Where can i learn photography?

Shayamala Shah
Shayamala Shah

I hav a nikon p500.
n i want to learn dat camera.
some1 please help me out


Personally, I would suggest a few sessions with a spelling tutor first, then move onto photography.

Learn about your camera!

Read your manual! Read it several times, and practice in between. If you don't have a book, download a new one from the manufacturer's website.

Attend a class, read some books, read/watch online tutorials.

The major camera manufacturers (like Canon, Nikon, Olympus etc) all have very useful sections on their website for learning about photography.

Understanding at least the basic principles of photography (as well as being familiar with your camera) will enable you to make the most of your gear, and will make a HUGE difference to your images.


There are classes at junior colleges
adult night and day school
the classes advertised in the reader
always look up classes offered in your community online look up photography stores see where they recommend.
offer to work probono for a photographer that you like their work.assist them in all areas set ups, clean up Gofer / grip / clerk at weddings, clerk work, anything to expose you to as much of the industry as you can. Good experience and looks great on the resume. You need a thick skin and tenacity for this.
Camera store job
join a photography group, club. They include scenery objects, support also.
check out lab developers
there are annual conventions sales individuals and corporations. Good for information, equipment, networking and arbitrary hands on education.
check with DA office do a walk Thur of prosecutors Evidence development department focus photographer position, qualifications, duties…
county real estate development office re same
there are many diverse industries applicable to investigate and explore see what interests you and ask if Tenacity might let you spend sometime on site observing.worst case scenario they say no.
then there are many photography schools.
the first thing is read about light, ex posers, film types, go to the library check out videos, cds, books on the subjects most are informative and good. Then practice and play with apertures ex posers…
nikon should have user support online, phone and community users Group online.
hope this helps good luck


You'll have to learn how to spell first. See the effect if I referred you to a site that teaches photography absolutely for free but the link is spelled incorrectly.http://w3.ilstdpg.c\bscpg.