Nikon SLR Cameras

Where can I find Refurbished Pentax k-x or k-r on the Net?


I want to buy a Pentax k-x or k-r camera. However because of my limited budget I want to buy a refurbished one. But it's not so easy to find refurbished pentaxes on the net. (not like Nikons that have refurbished everywhere).is there any American website that can I buy such a camera?
(please do not recommend Canikon. I don't want Canon and I do prefer Pentax over Nikon. I know where to buy Refurbished Nikons)


Try the Pentax website.It'd be the best place anyway. Drop them a line and ask nicely.


Andrew is correct. The manufacturer would be the first place to inquire.

Pentax does occasionally come through with batches of refurbished units but they are few and far between. Pentax's production is small in comparison to Canon and Nikon, it's no surprise that there are fewer refurb units to go around.

Every now and then, they will show up on Woot, com during a "woot-off", The last time I saw one on there, it was the refurbished K-7 and they only had like 20 to sell.

One of the Pentax forums had a discussion on refurbished units (or the lack of), and it was rumored that Pentax has two ways of dealing with "dead" cameras when they get them backā€¦ They repair it and resell it as new unless the body is damaged. If that is the case, it is parted out and the parts are used for repair jobs.


A Pentax k-x