What would you do in this situation?

My birthday is coming up in less than a month. First, my parents don't have jobs. I asked my parents for a $500 Nikon camera which I've done a lot of research on, and they said they can't get it for my birthday, but we can wait until black friday when my mom sells her gold necklace to get more money and buy it. I really wanted the camera as soon as possible because I don't have any patience and I really want to take pictures on Halloween. Should I wait, or should I just get a cheaper camera?

In my opinion, i would say to get a cheaper camera. If your parents don't have jobs, i would think about adjustments spending wise. A camera isn't really necessary and plus, you can get many more stuff besides a camera. I know you want the camera, but i would rethink that purchase.

Get a couple of cheap disposable cameras for Halloween. And wait for the really nice quality camera. As long as your mother doesn't mind selling her necklace!