What dslr camera is batter for all situation nikon or canon?

What brand lens is batter canon or nikon

Take a look at the photographers taking pictures at the World Cup, the Olympic Games, major newspaper like the Washington Post, or magazines like The National Geographic. If you were to take a poll of what brands that they use, you'd see Nikon, Canon, Leica, Olympus, Pentax and maybe a few others like Linhoff. So what does that tell you about Nikon vs. Canon?
As far as lenses go, no one brand makes the best lenses. Nikon's $1,900 24-70 f/2.8 is not as good as Tamron's 28-70 f/2.8 for only $499. Leica is legendary for their glass, but their $11,000 50mm f/0.95 is not as good as Mitacon's 50mm f/0.95 at $900. A savings of $10,000!
To get a better idea of which focal length is best, go to photozone.de and check out their MTF charts. You'll may be surprised as to whom makes the best, and worst.

There are reasons why photographers who live with the money they make shooting images use Nikon and Canon cameras.
* Both camera companies support working pros with over 85 current lenses, three to four different full frame cameras and most of the accessories sold basically address the needs of photographers who use Nikon or Canon camera systems (over 70% of all digital SLR cameras sold are Nikon and Canon, thus a larger potential market for third party manufacturers)
* Generally speaking, working pros who buy and own their camera gear, buy Nikon cameras (of course there are exceptions) and working pros who work for agencies that provide all their gear, provide Canon equipment)
* You can determine for yourself which of those camera brands are best for you by doing your own research.
> Visit the Nikon and Canon websites… Take notes
> Visit DP Review website and read the professional reviews of the cameras that interest you
> Visit DXOmark.com and see how each camera models sensors perform… Dynamic range, colour depth and performace at high ISO setting.
> Visit a proper camera shop and hold them in your hands.
After YOU have done your research, you will be better able to pick the right camera system for you… NOT us.

Overall if you take comparable ranges they come out equal. One brand steals the march with a new model but the other manufacturers soon catch up.
Just get the one you like best - Canon, Pentax, Sony, Nikon. It really doesn't matter - they are all good.

If you can only see Canon and Nikon, and really think there's a, 'Best,' you aren't ready for a DSLR (the only category in which you should be considering either).
I think Pentax are the best, but that's only an opinion formed by relying on them for 30 years. That's what it boils down to - opinion.
Until you can form your own, stick to crayons.

They are both among the leading DSLR makers and their models are comparable with each other.
You must look at both makes and decide which you feel happiest with.

Most of photographer what camera they used?

Neither. They are roughly equal. And Sony and Pentax are right there with them.

Pentax because I can see thorugh it better even with out my glasses. First DSLR that I could use without my glasses. Love the ability to use lenses all the way back to the film camera days. Saved me lots of money! The stabilization feature is built into the camera body. Canon & Nikon is built into each lens, making the physical size of the lenses slightly larger.

No question is a stupid question.
Learning things about cameras has to start somewhere and I find it hard to find advice on this site. Seems most with experience are extremely quick to judge or they are plain rude!
I hope as you learn more and get experience that you empower and encourage others rather than make them feel foolish.
Best of luck to you in your photography.

You can use any dSLR to shoot anything. All dSLRs are basically the same. All are good - all brands and all models. It's up to you to set it up properly to get the best shot possible.
Batters belong to the kitchen or in and around a diamond field.

I personally wouldn't trust any camera or lens made with batter.