Nikon SLR Cameras

What would be the best to start with?


Recently some of my friends got me into acting and filming. I really like it and I might be taking a TV Production class next year. (I'll be a senior in high school) This would be my first time doing something like this even though I've done films with friends for a couple months. I'm doing more during the summer so i'll get a little bit more experience.
What would be the best camera for making videos that aren't too expensive (maybe $700 max? Or a bit over if it's worth it) and what would be a good program for video editing? I was thinking of a Nikon D1300 but if you guys find a better one, i'll look into it. Thank you so much.

Added (1). Thanks Dennis
I have a Windows 7 PC currently.

Dennis C
Dennis C

Since you still have another year in high school & it has a TV Production department or instructor, you should take advantage of the resources they offer (staff & teachers who can show you the cameras & editing equipment they've found useful).

As with much instructional technology, camcorder models & features change (some "improve", others not-so-much) and schools tend to buy new stuff when budgets permit. You might ask if there are any older (but still working) model cameras they might have you could borrow or buy, and stretch your initial cash outlay that way.

Personally for a beginner, I wouldn't recommend a Nikon (very good, but very expensive brand) nor a Canon DSLR since they are primarily still photo cameras, with limited video features (and not very good in the audio department). Most of the menu settings are designed around taking stills, not live video footage & zoom/pan moves. (Plus they are technically limited to shooting short "takes", compared to long runtimes of camcorder footage.)

And HD footage from DSLRs can require special codecs or specific editing software that can sometimes add to your initial investment, as well as require serious upgrades to your PC.

For a "starting out" purchase, I (and several others here in Y! A Camcorders) would recommend a miniDV tape-based standard definition camcorder. (There are also hi-def "HDV" models that use the same tape.) Editing standard def video takes less computer horsepower, and with modern CMOS imaging sensors --and a decent lens-- really looks better than the VHS-style "standard def" home movie footage that consumers tend to think about when someone says "non HD". You can still shoot 16:9 format widescreen on miniDV, and the result looks better than most of the "HD" footage uploaded to YouTube.

Sony & Canon make good, affordable (under-$700) miniDV camcorders. Canon currently offers their HV40 HDV model (standard def + hi-def) refurbished on their website for $499 (a $700 model, originally). Here's the Canon USA store link:

For editing packages, you need to tell us whether you have a Mac or a Windows PC. For basic editing tasks, Windows ships with "Movie Maker" (free), and Mac users have iMovie as part of the "iLife" Mac OSX bundle. But higher-end editing suites around $100 are available for both platforms.

Feel free to use the "Additional Details" link on the Action Bar (under "Edit") to update your Question, and I'll be more specific with edit software. (And ask your school what they use.)

hope this helps,
--Dennis C.