What would be a good camera for a beginner photographer?

I have a nice camera already (Nikon L110) but I'd like to have something a little more professional. One day I hope to have my own photography studio.

I don't have any experience with Nikon… But the Canon Rebel line is awesome! I started on the rebel about 6 years ago to learn digital and it still has a soft place in my heart. It is an SLR, so you can invest in some decent lenses and start using a more professional style equipment.
When you ARE ready to go professional, I recommend switching up bodies. Your lenses (if you stick with canon) should transfer to your new equipment just fine.
Have fun!

A Canon Powershot point-and-shoot digital camera is a good camera for beginners. I have one that I used for three years before I moved up to an EOS DSLR.

While your L110 is a neat "point and shoot" type of camera, if you are talking of progressing with your photography, I would say it is best to get a DSLR with interchangeable lens. This is what the professional photographers use. It gives you the ability to have more control over your photograph. I would suggest you look at some of the smaller Nikon's i.e. D3000, D5100. Or Canon EOS Rebel. This will give you a better idea as to what to look for and costs.

The EOS rebels are great for beginners. The 1100d is the entry level DSLR from Canon.
If you can afford it, go for the kit at the top. If not, the second one down.
Best part is, the 1100d has the EF mount so if you do progress and save for the big boy (5D MKII) you can still use your old lenses.

Canon EOS 1100D lens: 18-55, Full HD 1080

I use a Nikon D40 and it is fantastic-- the equivalent today is a Nikon D3100.It is light and I can stash it in my purse. I love the Canon Rebels as well, they are a bit more expensive though. Keep in mind that while Canon cameras are more expensive, the lenses are less expensive. I would recommend my Nikon D40 to anyone though.