Nikon SLR Cameras

What should I ask for my graduation present?


I'm 17. Graduating for High School this June.
I really want to got o Mexico because I haven't been there in 4 years. We had everything planned with my family but now my mom is making up excuses that its dangerous & there's no money &i have a job. We don't have MUCH money but we can get something good. Or should I ask for my own Photography camera I want a Nikon (:
Mexico or Camera? Or something different? Like a trip to Reno? I don't know suggestions


She's right, it's very dangerous there. I know someone who can hardly leave her house now because of the crime. She was assaulted on the way to a wedding by thugs carrying huge loaded guns, and robbed of everything. Oh, and she lives in what was one of the "safe" neighborhoods. A camera sounds nice. What do you plan to do after you graduate? Are you going to college? Maybe get something practical that will last you a long time and will help you in the future.


If your family doesn't have much money, then something inexpensive but nice would be fine. And even if your family was RICH, something inexpensive but nice would be fine. It's not like graduating from high school is a huge huge feat like getting married or graduating from univeristy.


What makes you think you deserva anything? Are you at the top of your class? Have you done anything wordhwhile in your life or have you just been a parasite sponging off the misappropriated love your parents have for you? Your parents don't owe you a thing. You owe them everything.
Graduating High School isn't a big deal. Millions of kids do it every year and what you do after that is what will determine if you are worth being alive or not.
Go out, get a job or go to school or both and make yourself into something your parents can be proud of. Right now you are just a liability.


My god the camera of course.


The camera seems like a great idea. Not only will it be more affordable for your family (and safer) but it something that you'll be able to enjoy for much longer. You can find a great selection of Nikon digital SLR cameras at