What is an Nikon SLR?

I want to known what a Nikon SLR is. Mainly the SLR part, and please say it using small words because when I search this on the web I usually do not understand.

Go here for all the details. Http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DSLR

SLR stands for single lens reflex
basically, light enters the camera and it is met by a mirror, that mirror shines light into where you look into, called the viewfinder. When you press the shutter button to take a picture, that mirror flips up and exposes the film to the light, thus creating a picture (on an SLR). On a DSLR, its the same thing except it hits a photo sensor which digitally records the image.
so, Single- meaning one
Lens- you have one lens, and you see the image that you will take exactly, before you take it.
Reflex- the mirror flips up and down, or side to side thus exposing the film or sensor

An SLR is a "Single Lens Reflex" camera. It means that the viewfinder uses a mirror to look through the lens to compose the photo. The other type of camera is a rangefinder, where the viewfinder is a separate little lens, so you do not see exactly what the film will see.
With modern digital cameras, the compact cameras compose through the lens, but they do not use the same type of arrangement as the old film SLRs. Modern digital SLRs typically have larger bodies and interchangeable lenses.

Slr stand for "single reflex camera". All an slr is a camera with a very big sensor (all most 10X as big!) and that it doesn't have a fixed lens- you can always change the lens you use based on the situation.

Single Lens Reflex. In simple terms, this means that the lens you look through is the same lens that takes the picture. Some cameras have a separate viewfinder window that you look through, and a separate lens that takes the picture.
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