Nikon SLR Cameras

What do you know about Capital KX 100 35mm cameras?


Please tell me. I want to know if I can use it for my photography class?



You need a fully adjustable 35 mm SLR like one made by Nikon, Canon, Minolta or Pentax

You can find them for less than $100 on craigslist or on the bulletin board at your school

Expecting to pay less than $11 for a camera and to be able to use it in a photo class is far too optimistic


The KX 100 is a plastic point and shoot 35mm camera, marketed by United States Sales Corporation. It was made in China. It has a hotshoe for external flash, wrist strap but no lens cover. It has one shutter speed, a single aperture choice and fixed focus. Unlike most of these kinds of simple 35mm point and shoot cameras, the film advance wheel is located at the bottom of the camera on the back, instead of the upper right corner. The manual says it takes only ISO/100, 200 or 400 film. The film counter is a small hole on the bottom of the camera.