What are the fastest 35mm Film Scanners?
What are the fastest 35mm film scanners on the market today? I don't care at all about price. I already know about the Nikon 5000ED but that scanner is almost 9 years old. Is there any more recent high speed film scanners out? I will be doing very high volume scanning so I need an efficient and fast scanner.
Well if you are looking for speed and price isn't a consideration, check out a Hassleblad Flextight X1 or X5. These scanners will set you back about $15, 000 for the X1 or $23, 000 for the X5: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/...anner.html
Get the HP G-4010.It can scan 12 slides at a time and very very quickly. I use that scanner to scan magazine photos all day long and it works flawlessly and under $150.
or check this link.