Nikon SLR Cameras

Best prime lens length for sports?


I have a very big budget and would like to know which is the best length of zoom for outdoor sports
I saw a nikon 80-400mm f/4 but i'm not sure if this varied lens is the best.

Added (1). I'm 24 and have had lots of years doing photography but i want to go into sports mostly football/soccer.

Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope

Sounds like more money than sense…

1) what sport?
2) what camera you using?
3) where will you be situated?
4) your experience?

Martin Spooner
Martin Spooner

A prime lens is the opposite of a zoom lens.

You want one camera body with a prime lens of 300mm focal length.

Another camera body with a prime lens of 400mm focal length.

You can have other camera bodies, I personally feel more than three is just a bit much, with other focal lengths ready but can't imagine using anything but 300 or 400mm.

Buy fast primes.

John P
John P

Depnds on the type of sports and the size of the venue, and whether you are allowed to put yourself close to the action. Generally long lenses come into play, 80 to 400 might be a good start, the f4 aperture is needed (or even f2.8) unless you have a camera body with very high ISO. Think also of 600mm or higher for some sports. If you have a big budget then hire a lens or two for a fixture and see how you get along, then make purchase decisions. Pobably just one lens will not do it all.

deep blue2
deep blue2

Outdoor sports is a vast field and your position is critical.

Various lenses would fit the bill - 70-200mm f2.8, 300mm f4 and 500mm f4 are a few that spring to mind.

Of course, if money's no object, there's always the Sigma 200-500mm f2.8;

that's come down a fair bit in price too - last year it was around £19, 000.

Edit - as far as I'm aware, there's no such lens as an 80-400mm f4, its a variable aperture lens and its actually f4.5-5.6

T Alam
T Alam

Definitely a 400mm prime, preferably 2.8 (i'm a canon user, so not sure about the exact specs of nikorr lenses)


Best prime for sports I can think of is a Nikon 300mm f/2.8G!


300mm f2.8 and 400mm f2.8.