Nikon SLR Cameras

Some suggestions might be just great

An hao Xing
An hao Xing

I need some suggestions from the expert. Well, some intro about me:

I'm a student and I snap most of: interior design [cars, houses, mansions, toilets and everything interior] | extreme lover <- I love jungle trekking, hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, wind surfing, street surfing, | traveler | musician | nature lover | photograph maniac < quoted by many people.

that's all that explains all about me. I'm an outdoor freak! Hehe

About getting a DSLR for my first time. [I snap photos only with Sony compact camera] I can't make up my mind on what to buy actually. Either Canon [most preferred by expert but I'm not that expert], Nikon [most outdoor lovers use this but I snap indoor also], Pentax | Fujifilm | Sony…

uh, can somebody help me out? Please (n, n)

-Love To Hear From Everybody Soon


I would take a serious look at one of the new mirrorless systems like the Olympus OMD EM5. Very light weight, and every bit as good image quality as anything but a full frame professional DSLR.