Shot any film (or slides) lately?
And did you upload any of it? Can I see it?
I'm planning on dusting off my Nikon F80 and shooting off a few rolls, mainly to keep the camera functional and also to give myself a little challenge by going back to basics.
Might even try black and white, as I don't think I've ever even tried it.
If you do upload, do you adjust anything (brightness, contrast, cropping, etc.)?
Added (1). Nice photos, guys! Tim, those are wonderful landscapes.
Yes, I have an old EOS 500 I bought off Ebay. Took this recently: I simply scanned the negative, but I didn't do anything else to it except a slight levels adjustment.
It's definitely worth giving film a go from time to time.
I shoot almost exclusively film.
There's no automation when i do it.
I choose the filmsize from 135 or 6x6 or 4x5.
the exposure is all manual on all my cameras (excludimg digital)
I develop black and white myself.
I scan using epson v700 and adjust levels appropriately.
I crop if the picture calls for it.
Display on mywebsite.
If i'm so fortunate, i will go to the darkroom to make prints.
I still shoot a little film.
With black and white film, I usually slightly underdevelop it in order to have more control of the contrast after scanning, but I mean very slightly. Usually I pull less than a stop of development time.
With slide film, there's very little you can do in post production and processing. I usually just scan it, and then try to get the digital file to match the film as closely as possible.
Links to some of my slide film images:
Black and white film:
- I have a Nikon 18-200 DX. Lately, it has been slowly zooming on it's own?
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