Shopping for an SLR camera. Interested in Nikon D-90?

I have a question on a Nikon d-90 slr camera. I know it is an expensive camera that can go over $1000, but I found one for $689 including kit. I need a kit because I'm a beginner and planning on growing with it, but will not be my only slr camera in my lifetime. Can someone click on this website and tell me if this is a good kit for the price? I'm trying NOT to spend $1000. Please explain why I should or shouldn't get this kit. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

First of all, I'd steer clear of that site. It's not an authorized dealer, and it looks like a scam site.
I don't know much about Nikon's line of cameras, so I can't offer any help there. But Canon also makes some great entry level cameras. The Canon Rebel T2i is a PERFECT camera for a beginner and can be had for about $800 brand new with the kit lens.

That store smells like last week's herring. No real contact information, just a 1-877 number and a p.o. Box. Good feedback on resellerratings by 3 people who all joined on 15th november.No, I wouldn't do business with them.
Anyone siginificantly cheaper than bhphotovideo or amazon I don't trust.

Site looks very dodgy. A lot of those cameras are selling for half their actual value. Don't buy from there. Great price, but a complete lie.
If you want the D90 (it is a superb camera), then it is worth saving up for the 18-105 VR kit lens, which will be more capable in more situations. With your budget, you may have to look at the D3000, D3100, D5000 cameras. They're all nice, the only disadvantage is that you won't have full functionality on all Nikon lenses, due to the different drive system.

Look, don't be foolish and buy from sites that sell cameras for 50% less. Great that you posted here!
Go to Amazon (best and cheapest) and buy it from there. I also recommend you Nikon D3100 if the D90 will be too expensive. Here's a site with the best guide
Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, quality and which one to buy -
Good luck! The site has many more tutorials, tips, reviews and guides!
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