Nikon SLR Cameras

Quality camera advice?


Ok, so i'm becoming interested in photography. My sister is an amazing photographer and is majoring in advertising photography for editorials and stuff. Some people i'm friends with on facebook take some really cool photos but i mean they are only in 8th grade so they must just have some simple cameras. I want one like the Nikon 1 but it is $650 dollars. I want to ask for one for christmas, like i said something like the Nikon 1 that is a nice camera but cheap and for beginners kinda! Is it insane to say in the range of under $100? Could you give recommendations maybe within 100? Thanks so much in advance!

Added (1). I'm looking for a DSLR camera! Thanks a ton! Oh and i think the camera i refrenced is actually called nikon j1:)

Jim A
Jim A

First there's no such thing as a dslr for $100… Try $600 or so.

Second the j1 is an EVIL camera which is only a glorified, over priced point and shoot with no view finder UGH!

Pick a real camera - a Canon or Nikon dslr and $600 is about the minimum.


Sorry to tell you this but you are NOT going to get a DSLR for under $100… The cheapest Nikon DSLR, the D3000, costs $499 and the cheapest Canon, $459. Other brands will have entry-lever cameras of similar prices too, but nothing close to $100.


You will not get a DSLR anywhere under $100 the cheapest DSLR i have seen in australia from a camera shop was $400


That nikon is NOT a DSLR.


I own or have owned a G10, G11, and G12. I'm not really sure why anyone expect the G12 to be a
major upgrade to the G11. The title of this review is the first line of Canon's marketing material
on the Canon USA website… So this is what I personally expected, and Canon delivered, as far as I
am concerned. I'm not a professional, so my observations are from the viewpoint of an average guy
with a serious camera addiction. I took photos side by side using my G10, G11, and G12 and I have to be honest, I could not tell much difference, though a slight nod would go to the newest camera. They

are all great, however, and suit an average user like me perfectly. My tests were not scientific and

not comprehensive - I have to work for a living after all. I'm very pleased with the image quality,

but is it a major upgrade from previous G series cameras, I do not think so. If I were forced to

choose one, I would probably go for the G12 because the photos look slightly nicer to me, and the

camera is easier to work with but only if I'm forced to choose!