Nikon SLR Cameras

Suggest a digital camera


I have a panasonic lumix 8MP and I'm not satisfied with it at all, specially about the pictures at low light or at night so have decided to buy a new one. I have a budget upto $700 but I'll be happy to close the deal at 650! I'm not sure to buy a good compact digital camera or an average SLR (considering my budget). I have searched on the brands and everyone says Canon or Nikon (Canon is lot more suggested) but which model?!


Canon 550D or nikon D3100 ^^

Shuchana Naim
Shuchana Naim

With that kind of budget i prefer you to buy DSLR.

go for NIKON D3100. Because itis the best entry level DSLR now available in is famous for its low light performance. It will be the best buy for you…