Photography-My Dog Won't Look Up at Me When I Take a Picture of Him?

I recently began using a Nikon Coolpics L330 to take photos of my dog. However, he barely makes eye contact with me.
I've held treats above the camera and made noises, but when I take a picture, he tends to look away. Because of this, I can never get a clear shot.
Do any photographers use a Nikon and face the same problem? Any tips?

I use a Nikon D40 but I don't see what that has to do with getting your dog to look up. I live alone in the wilderness with my dog and I like taking photos so most of my photos end up to be "landscape with dog".
Actually I have the opposite problem you do. My dog photobombs everything and absolutely loves being on camera. If I want to take a photo of a flower, she'll step on it, or anything else, to get into the middle of the frame, but I digress…
… I find a useful technique to set up my shot without the dog in the frame, call the dog to me and then as she approaches take a series of rapid-fire high shutter speed photos as she is approaching. Of course this only works when she is coming from the direction you are shooting towards so you have to plan that a bit. Trying to get a dog to sit still (at least my dog) and pose her is much more difficult. And on the occasion when I do get her sit and stay, it's not nearly as interesting as when she is moving around and, well, acting a dog.

Try peanut butter or a toy he loves. Maybe make dog noises lol

I use a Pentax, so I never have this problem. Dogs hate Nikons.
All kidding aside, you're going to have to be patient. If you want more dynamic shots, have someone else play with the dog. Put him on a grassy area like a park or lawn, then get down lower than eye level. Call the dog and capture it running towards the camera.
Look for good light like that from a window and place your dog there. You can get some great portraits if you've got good light, and get creative with your angle and focal lengths.
Take a look at what others have done to get ideas -

Get a silent dog whistle.

IF you're using a flash, your dog is deliberately looking away to avoid the flash hurting his eyes. Wouldn't you do the same? He sees the camera and associates it with the flash of bright light that hurts his eyes… Give him credit for not being dumb!