Nikon SLR Cameras

Photographing at shows?


I went to my first basement show yesterday and it was such an experience that I'll never forget. My friend though brought his camera it was like a Nikon something and he gave it to me to hold because he decided to go into the mosh pit. I didn't really know what to do with it but I'm really interested in learning how to photograph the mosh pits and the bands playing because some of the random pictures came out nice but I didn't have a focus point cause I really didn't know what I was doing. I want to keep going to shows but to take pictures of the time other then moshing and stuff. Any tips from anyone would be greatly appreciated


I would recommend using a cannon there's more possibilities with it the D-90 has a camcorder built it so you can record and its good having an education behind the stuff your doing but photography is about having fun just go out there have fun your focus point will be the group itself you can just focus on a single individual on the mosh pit unless he has a funny face but just go out there with a big memory card to take a lot of pictures because when you get in the zone 4gigs will only last about 10 minutes


I'm sorry, is this a photography question or are you just telling us about a night out you had recently?

Chelsea B
Chelsea B

It depends on what you are going for. If there's a flash on the camera, it can be fun to slow the shutter speed down so that you are lighting the subjects but still exposing for the ambient light (if there's any.) Generally, you'll want to use a higher ISO (100 is low - 3200 is high) because it is more sensitive to light and at shows, light is never really in abundance. A higher ISO will leave your photos grainy though.