Nikon SLR Cameras

Pentax, Nikon or Canon DSLR?

Durrell B
Durrell B

Now, my biggest gripe and complain about Canon is they are over priced as hell, but that's because the Quality is top notch. However I work with this half German guy who introduced me to Pentax and I really like the DSLR he let me borrow the other day. I basically want something that does photography with a 1080p HD recording up to 32 gigs of memory. I hear Nikon is always good, probably better for intermediate photography. What is really the best way to get quality for somebody like me who's budget is only $500 - $700?


The dSLR with the most bang for the buck that can shoot Full HD and auto-focus in the video mode is the $700 Nikon D3100.

To know which camera you find easiest for YOU to use, you will have to visit a camera store and hold each in your hands.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

Canon does not overprice equipment. They are very comparable to Nikon, in every shape, way, and form. If anyone is overpriced, it is Hasselblad (not really, because you do pay for quality).

for $700, you can get the Nikon D3100 which will be your best camera for video recording in that budget. The only other camera that does full 1080 is the Canon Rebel T1i, which is a good camera as well.

All other cameras in that budget are not 1080p

Check out both cameras in a store to see which one you like better. The D3100 is the only camera that can autofocus while shooting video


I would suggest this website They have collection of Pentax camera and their prices are within your range.


No. That hell is just for making sure the whole world knows what Canon is. It's called advertising. Quality-wise, they're pretty much all the same. Pentax is an old brand just like Canon and Nikon and is more familiar in Europe than in the US and Asia. If you are after hype and lots of lens choices, Canon is for you. If you are more technical, get Nikon. If you don't mind using old technology and a limited new lens lineup but an infinite source of old manual film lenses, then go Pentax.


It's all good…