Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon vs Canon SRL cameras?


I need people's opinions on who should I go for. I'm getting my first DSLR camera. And I don't wanna pick a company that I wouldn't be satisfied with in the end. Can anyone who does photography and has experience to give me your opinions and reasons on which company you think I should go for.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

Between Canon and Nikon, it is your choice. Both companies are equal in nearly every way, from quality of the build to the quality of pictures they produce.

I own a Nikon and I have never looked back. Likewise, some people have chosen canon and have never looked back either.

Go to a store, look at the DSLR cameras they have from Nikon and Canon, and choose based on what feels best in your hand. See which one is easiest for you to handle and use. Take some SD cards and take pictures with each of the cameras. Go home and determine which camera takes the pictures you like the best. There are subtle differences in how Canon and Nikon process their images. Nikon tends to be a tad more saturated, and Canon seems to create a "softer" image.


The camera bodies are fairly equal with one having minor advantages in each category. You should base your decision on accessories such as lenses. Canon's cheap lenses are worse than nikon's cheap lenses. If you look at middle of the road or high end lenses they are both great quality but canon seems to cost less for the equivalent lens.