Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon or canon for pictures?


I'm taking a photography class and i'm going to purchase a DSLR camara but i'm not sure which one has better quality pictures. I do not really care about video.


Both companies are well known world wide for their quality from the ground up. Either brand will do well.

As many other suggest go to a local camera store, hold both, use both. Then decide which is more comfortable to you.

Remember all dslr cameras work the same way and all have the same basic controls. Between Canon and Nikon there's no better, different yes, but not better.

I'm a Canon owner so that's the brand I recommend. I have two of their dslr cameras and am very happy with both.


I'd rather have Pentax than either.

There are other manufacturers who get on with making cameras rather than spending vast amounts on advertising.