Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon J1 or Nikon J2?


Which one is better and why?

Naija king
Naija king

Nikon j2 because is the upgraded version

Jim A
Jim A

Neither. These are both EVIL cameras that are way over rated, extremely over priced pocket toys with no view finder that just happen to change lenses.

If you want a "real" camera, as I read from one J1 buyer, get a dslr.


There's not a lot of difference. They both use the same sensor. The most significant improvement of the J2 is the improved LCD viewing screen resolution.

Masticina Akicta
Masticina Akicta

The J2 being a newer model has a few small improvements. But as others pointed out it aren't HUGE improvements. In the basis the camera has stayed the same in so many things that well.

Lets just say a cheaper J1 leaves more money for the lenses. So a J1 + lens is better then a more expensive J2

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

Jim is right on this one. Why he got thumbs down is beyond me. The J1 doesn't even have a viewfinder or hot-shoe!
If you're serious about photography, Look at a D3200, or D3100.