Nikon Full Frame Obsolete?

With the introduction of the D500, is the D810 somewhat obsolete? The D7200 delivered DR and low light perf. Very close to the D810, and with the all new Expeed 5, is the D810 doomed? Maybe for certain landscape photographers, studio, etc, the D810 may be a better option, but for anyone else striving for best low light performance and other practical things besides that, AF, etc below D5 price on Nikon system, is full frame out of the picture? Thoughts?

Full frame, at least mirrorless full frame, is unlikely to become obsolete any time soon.
What sounds nice on this new photographer-friendly Nikon camera is the 100% viewfinder with 153 focus points across its entirity, plus the ability to customise AF. That would put it at the top of my list if I was looking for an enthusiast/ semi-pro APS-C camera.

No, oh not-so-brave anonymous poster.
No (please don't repeat questions).
No (*sigh* how many different ways to ask the same question)?).
No (ditto).
Not when you respect us so little.
So, you have a D810 or you see one you could get but actually want something newer… The 810 is still as good a camera as it was a few minutes ago. If you have one, keep it. Use it. If not, then yes, consider something newer.

I shoot a lot of indoor sports and sports under the lights at night
I use both a D800e and D810 and their performance at ISO 6400 is superb. Only my old Nikon D3s can come close to noise free, high ISO shooting under those conditions

If you know photography, you should realize by now that dSLRs don't necessarily go obsolete. It's still the same controls and you still get the same shot. It's just that the newer versions have updated parts and features that make shooting easier or more pleasurable to look at on paper.

The market of digital cameras is full of different models. In the case of full frame dSLRs just seven choices share the 90% percent of full frame dSLRs market. Most lenses from Canon and Nikon are made for full frame cameras. And To Improve App lock Security, You must also install Leo Privacy Guard in your smart phone, with Stylish themes.