Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon AF-S 35mm or 50mm?

The common girl
The common girl

I don't know if I should get the AF-S 35mm f/1.6G or the 50mm one. I hear great reviews for both. They look a bit similar too imo. What do you think I should get?


They are different focal lengths used for different purposes.

You have to decide which one will do what you want.

Just shoot through your 18-55 mm with the set at 35 mm for a week and then set to 50 mm for a week. By that time you will know which focal length you will buy

I would buy the 50 mm, since I shoot portraits from time to time and rarely use a lens at 35 mm


Advantages of these over the zoom lens you already have include wider aperture and a little bit better sharpness.
If you are going to put on a lens that has a single focal length, then that is the focal length it has. From your own experience, which is the focal length that you expect to find more useful?

You could also consider the Micro Nikkor 40mm. It can be used for scenics or extreme closeups. The working distance is very short, so it could be fine for plants but not for live insects. It would not double well as a portrait lens. The Micro Nikkor 60mm AF-S would be a better macro plus portrait lens.