Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon 50mm f1.2 non/AI lens


This lens looking to buy. Only flaw is has good size chip on lens toward center. What is good price pay for this non/ai mount lens. What if any degrading will occure in pictures with chip on glass.

Jim A
Jim A

Are you kidding? A chipped lens means that thing is trash - junk. Don't pay any money for this.


According to this chart
the lens won't mount on the DSLR's that have their own autofocus motor. It may mount on models like the D3100 that lack this, but it won't autofocus or meter. Nikon no longer mkes a 50mm f1.2 lens. The image quality at f1.2 is not likely to be great, and the depth of field is shallow. The optical combination optimized to make a not-bad image possible at f1.2 does not produce images stopped down as good as a 50mm f1.4 or f1.8.
If your camera is compatible, and if you think you would find a use for this lens, the way to know is arrange with the seller to try it and find out.


Test it. Does it flare up or show fuzziness around the area where the chip is? I have a 300mm f2.8 with a huge gouge in the front element (previously owned by LA times) and it is still as sharp as a tack (and sharper than a brand new 70-300mm) but it will flare up if a light source is framed around where the gouge is. However it is still a great lens and there's no other issues other than that. If it doesn't have a big problem go for it…

Still I would recommend going for a good one as they aren't too expensive $400ish on ebay. Also it will work on almost every nikon SLR made however you will need it to be converted to AI to use it on a DSLR…