Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon 40mm f/2.8 or Nikon 50mm f/1.8G?

Zakky D
Zakky D

I'm looking into getting a prime lens around 35-50mm and I can't decide between the new 40mm micro or the 50mm 1.8 gelded. Which to get?


If you need to shoot portraits, the 50 mm f/1.8 is what you want.

If your goal is to shoot macros, the 40 mm f/2.8 is your best choice.

Really this is all up to you and your needs, NOT our opinions


The f/1.8 is 1 1/3 stops faster than the f/2.8.

The 40mm lens, while a true 1:1 Macro still has me scratching my head in wonderment. Anything less than 100mm for a macro means you will have to be exceedingly close to your subject to photograph it.

Therefore, unless you are photographing flowers or inanimate objects, the short focal length is not that desirable for macro. While the DoF might be a bit more kinder with such a short focal length, you will scare away bugs if that is what you are looking to photograph.

So really, the two lenses have different applications. The one for you is dependent on your application.