Nikon 1 J3 thoughts and reviews?

Hi! I love photography and taking pictures of family and trains on vacation. I have a Canon DSLR but it's not as easy to carry around as point and shoot cameras are. If you have the Nikon J3 I'd appreciate your review of the camera (experience with it's Wi-Fi capabilities too?) I'd probably buy the 30-110mm lens too on amazon or at Best Buy.

My expertise is not with cameras but I would still enjoy helping you. So here you go., 2817, 2416213, 00.asp
Have a marvelous day.

I understand about the "carry around" part but I'll tell you any dslr is far superior to any EVIL caamera.
These things are nothing more than way over priced, way over rated and no view finder point and shoot cameras. I suspect they're no more than a fad.
In fact, a while back, a young man wrote into this forum about this very camera saying "now I'm ready for a real camera."

I have the Nikon V1 as a backup to my DSLRs. If you are used to DSLRs, you will want the V2 rather than the J3.
Thing is, while the Nikon 1 can't match DSLRs for performance (well except for the fast shutter and fast focusing - which is as good as the best DSLRs), the camera is just FUN. It is a big change from lugging around a big DSLR when I just don't want or can't carry it with me.
If you buy one, buy a 2 lens kit, as it includes the 30-100mm lens for around $100. Normally this is a $250 lens. I also have the 18.5mm f/1.8 prime, which is about like a 50mm lens. And that is even Fun-ner.
And while you won't probably do this as you have Canon, I have the FT-1 adapter and I can use my Nikon DSLR lenses. I usually take my V1 to baseball games with my 85mm f/1.8 DSLR lens. When attached to the V1 (via FT-1 adapter), it is equivalent to a 230mm f/1.8 lens.
One thing though, I bought my Nikon V1 in Dec 2012 for $299 new, as Nikon had rebates on them. I suspect Nikon will refresh the Nikon 1 line again this Sep, so I would look for similar discounts in the fall of 2013 as well.
The Nikon 1 is way overpriced in my view - with the V1 originally costing $899. Fun or not, I would not have paid that much. But when they went down to $299 - it was a slam-dunk for me.
The reason I recommend the V2 is that it has dedicated manual exposure and other advanced controls, and it has a built-in flash which the V1 doesn't. The V1 had a lot of criticism that the advanced features were buried in the menus. Also the V2 has a viewfinder that the S and J series do not have.
While it is indeed a pain to change exposure modes on my V1, for $299 it was something I could live with.
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