Nikon SLR Cameras

Need camera bag tips


So i'm in high school and i usualy require to take 2-5 books of a pretty big size together, i also wanna carry my nikon v1 with the 10mm f2.8 and the 18.5mm. Any bag recommendations?


That camera is quite small.

You can find a good backpack which will carry your books, notebook computer, and a rather large digital SLR. What this means is, the Nikon V1 will fit easily in this bag

The bag is the $40 SwissGear ScanSmart Laptop Backpack. I use it when I'm traveling. It carries two digital SLR bodies, four lenses, my 15-inch notebook computer as well as all the necessary power supplies and battery chargers + memory cards and cleaning accessories.

Lucius T Fowler
Lucius T Fowler

Backpacks may be nice, but for books, camera, maybe laptop, I'd prefer a bag with a shoulder belt to carry at my side. It's safer, because I can keep one hand on it and don't have to fear to be pickpocketed.

I have a leather bag like that, but if I tell you that it cost me 150 euros, you'll probably say I'm crazy. But if I tell you that I have it for 12 or 15 years now, I don't even remember exactly, then it probably doesn't seem so mad.


Get a satchel. No a purse. It's a satchel! It's a purse!