Nikon SLR Cameras

My Nikon D1300 doesn't focus?


I recently got the Nikon D1300 camera.
One day when I put the camera on and tried to take a picture, when I tried to focus, a red dot just shows up and it doesn't focus at all?
I can still take pictures and shoot videos, but I can't focus…
I have read through the manual many times, and I'm sorry if the answer is ovbious… I just need to know if it's broken and ask if someone knows how to fix it.

Really thankful for all answers, I'm going on a trip soon and I'd like to take some pictures there.


Where did you find a Nikon D1300?

There's a Nikon D3100 and if you have that camera and look on pages 22, 55, 56, 60 and 62 of your user manual, you will see what you will need to do to use the auto-focus on your fine camera.

Asif Mahabub
Asif Mahabub

Change your focus light then you can


Do you have both the lens AND the body switches set to autofocus?