Nikon SLR Cameras

Looking for a pro in camers?

Caramel B
Caramel B

I'm just about to buy my new camera, but I can't deside which of the 3 I should buy.
I will first tell you what I'm looking for…

1.People friendly camera. I don't like complicated tecnology!
2.very clear pictures daytime and night
3. No blurrrs!
4. I'm starting to get into real estate photo, so I want something that can handle a good long range. Close up shots as well as distance.

Now, what do you think is the best? Here are the choices… Nikon-D3200 24.2////Nikon D-500///Canon EOS 60D. Thank you. I will probably buy the one you choose by saturday. God bless!

The Writer
The Writer

The best camera is the one that feels right to YOU.

I would recommend all three (though I think you meant D5000 when you said Nikon D5000) and can say this having shot with both Canon and Nikon cameras. I currently shoot with a D300.

Keep in mind that your wants in numbers 2 and 3 are dependent upon your skill as a photographer and number 4 is dependent on what lenses you have and choose to use. My lens; for example, is an 18-200 mm. It's pretty much an all purpose lens and suits me well for what I shoot (urban exploration, neon signs, food, some landscape).

Real estate photography usually requires you to have a good wide angle lens. Most photographers I know who have shot real estate typically use something in the 10-24 mm range, at least I'm fairly certain that's what they've used.

If I were you I'd stick with the entry-level cameras. This would be the Nikon D3100, D3200, D5000, and D5100 or anything in the Canon Rebel series (I believe the T4i is coming out soon if it hasn't already).


1. All DSLR cameras work the same.
2 and 3 have nothing to do with the camera. Clarity and lack of blur depends on how you use the camera. Buy a good tripod if you want clear photos.
4. That depends on the lens you put on the camera. Different lenses are used for long range and short range photos.

Any of those cameras will work fine. The camera doesn't really matter. It is your skill that makes good or bad photos.


* If you think you can learn how to use the light meter in a camera, any dSLR will do. They are tools and thus need some practice using them before you can produce exceptional images
* Clear pictures have all to do with your skills using the camera. All dSLR camera have excellent auto-focus capability
* Again blurred images are the result of a person using too slow a shutter speed and the resulting camera or subject movement during the exposure causes the blurring.
* For Real Estate photography, you really need a super wide angle lens and tripod if you intend to shoot interiors and shots of the full property from the street

Sample shot

Both the Nikon D3200 and Canon 60D are fine cameras. The lower cost and higher performance of the D3200 sensor will give you some latitude in your budget to buy a second lens