Nikon SLR Cameras

Looking for a new camera? - 1


I love taking pictures… And have always owned a basic digital camera. I'm looking to make a slight upgrade, and it is overwhelming. I want something fairly basic, that I can learn the basics on. I have found a Nikon, Canon and a Sony in my price range, but all of the specs/differences don't mean much to me just yet! I'm looking for suggestions. I want to spend no more than $600… Help!


Look at the Nikon D3100 and the Canon EOS Digital Rebel series. Great DSLRs in your price range.

Don't buy a Sony. I've had a couple of them…


One I don't care for Sony, they don't back up their products as well as others. You might add the Pentax Kx, I just purchased, one and am thrilled by it's sensible approach to things. Such as the stabilization is built in the camera rather than having to pay for it on each lens purchase. Also, a big plus lenses can be used from older Pentax's if desired

michael l
michael l

And I hope this provides you with the answers you're looking for. All three cameras come in the Digital SLR format and all three make excellent cameras too. Now, as far as the specs go, you probably want to take mostly family photos as well as some nice outdoor shots. If size makes a difference, the Olympus makes what is referred to as a four-thirds camera, which is smaller and takes terrific photos. I would suggest you visit a reputable web site to get more information on the specs and not overwhelm you with details. I've used Best DSLR Camera Reviews http://bestdslrcamerareviews to help me in making my decision, and I hope it helps you in yours as well. Unbiased and very reputable.


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