Nikon SLR Cameras

Looking for a good polaroid camera


I've been into my digital photography for a few years now but i really wanna get back into using film, i also want a polaroid, 2 cameras i've been lookin at is the Nikon fm2 and the polaroid sx-70 does anyone have these or have any info on them? I always get good info from here so thought id ask!

Liam Vernon
Liam Vernon

Polaroid are long gone,
they are expensive to run, and useless!

Digital is your best bet now mate

Steve P
Steve P

Have you looked into the Fuji Instax line of instant cameras as a much better alternative to a Polaroid and the associated problems and EXPENSE with getting film? I use the Instax Mini 25 and enjoy it.

Johnny Martyr
Johnny Martyr

Darren, it's always refreshing to hear yet another person show a desire to return to film photography. The good news is that the Nikon FM2 is an excellent camera and readily available. The bad news is that Polaroid has not made film for several years now.

The early SX-70's take SX-70 priority film that has been unavailable for a very long time. Newer ones take 600, which is more recently discontinued. You can find "Polaroid" film from the Impossible Project at considerable cost and the film looks very different than the original stuff. What I suggest is looking into the Fuji Instax camera and film line. My girlfriend uses a Fuji Instax Mini 7s which makes beautifully saturated and credit card sized images. They are releasing a couple new models of cameras that take this film soon and there's also a model that uses a larger format instant film. The film and cameras can be purchased from You can research the available models and film at Fuji:

The Nikon FM2 is probably one of the best 35mm SLR's ever built. It's extremely versatile with it's top shutter of 1/4000 and 6400 ISO. It is a very rugged, basic, yet professional quality camera that will produce beautiful photos for a lifetime or more. I recommend the FM2n model which has a brighter view screen for faster, more accurate focusing, particularly when you're taking advantage of the accurate low light meter in dim situations. The FM2n also has a faster flash sync speed if that is important to you. I recommend purchasing it from If you don't know already, a 50mm prime lens is great for teaching depth of field and is just an excellent general lens. I use the 50mm 1.8 AI or 1.4 AI on my FM2n. Be sure to read a basic photography manual and the user's manual to the FM2n so you get the best use out of it!

Please feel free to email me directly at any point with any film related questions!