Where can i buy a nikkormat manual film camera?

I'm new to photography and i'm taking a class that requires me to have a 35mm fully manual slr camera. My teacher recommends a pentax1000 but i really have my heart set on a nikon nikkormat camera. There are no shops near me that would have one so i'm looking online. The problem is i'm on a tight budget and can't spend too much on the camera. Also i would prefer if i could find one that is being sold with a 50mm lens. So my question is what are some good websites to buy this type of camera from for a reasonable price besides ebay, amazon, and HBPhotography?

Try bhphoto (see link below), they sell used Nikkormats starting at $ 79.99 and have a good reputation and warranty policy.

Look on the KEH website.
If you buy a Nikon FE2 because it uses the more advanced AI Nikkor lenses which can be used later on Nikon dSLR camera like the D200, D300, D7000 and others
While the camera only costs $90, you will need to budget for a lens as well.
You may find a good Nikon manual camera on craigslist for under $75.
Do the research and you will find the right manual 35 mm Nikon camera that is just right for you
Here is a sample from my area of a Nikon camera that can shoot in the manual mode that comes with a lens.

There has to be hundreds of these cameras out there. I just did a simple Google search and found one on eBay for $46.