Is this a Digital SLR? If so, isn't that an amazing price for it?

Http://… I can't' tell if it is or not… And what's the difference between a P&S and a Digital SLR? I'm not used to all these camera terms… Lol.
Added (1). And can you take the lens off of this camera and put a different one on?
I'm 14 and have been interested in photography for a few years now… Would this be a good investment, and would it satisfy my photography needs for at least a few years until I can get a job and buy a better one?

No it is not.

That is not an SLR camera, that's a fancy point and shoot with lots of zoom. With a point and shoot camera, you do just that. You point it at something and shoot- the camera does most of the work for you. An SLR, be it digital or film, is a bit more complicated. The lenses are interchangeable, and you have to determine the settings (ISO, shutter speed, f stop, etc). You can do most of that with a point and shoot, but it's very limited. Hopefully this website can explain a bit better than I can. Hope this helps!

It's a bridge camera… That's a middle thing between P&S and DSLR. It offers usually better image quality and more manual control than a P&S camera, but it does not come with the moving mirror and lens exchange possibility that a SLR offers.

That is not an SLR. It is a bridge camera. Which means it is half way between a p&s and an SLR.
also, that is a preyy average price for that sort of camera.
SLR means, single lens reflex. Which is referring to how you have one lens that is used for taking the picture, and also for seeing what you are taking a picture of. The reflex bit is talking about the mirror inside the camera that means that it can do both of those functions.
on a bridge camera, there's no mirror so the lens is only used for the one sensor that is on whenever the camera is on. And what the lens is seing is either on the screen at the back, or a little screen inside the veiw finder. On an SLR whe nyou look through the veiwfinder the camera uses a system of mirrors and prisms using the science of total internal reflection to show you straight through the lens.
then a pont and shoot is just a simple compact camera, with few settings and that is cheap.purely for simple snaps.
hope that helps. There's much more on google!

If you look at the specs in the ad, it indicates it's a P&S. As I understand it, the SLR gives you many more options in terms of settings for exposure time,( how long the lens will stay open), etc. Point and shoot is exactly that- able to give you a good quality pic without a lot of fiddling. This particular model is similarly priced to one I just got with 14 mp and a 14x optical zoom. They both seem sort of "hybrid" (my term) as they do allow you some setting flexibility as well as P&S capability.
I got a Canon PowerShot SX210 IS which is highly rated by Consumer Reports. Mine is a little more compact than yours. Personally, I wanted something compact, with setting flexibility (I just love the zoom). An SLR may be in my future, but right now this Canon will do. Can I suggest you look on Amazon as well as checking directly with on-line retailers for the best price. See if Wal-Mart will match the price (if it's better). I did this at 6th Ave.electronics- they were able to price match that way. Happy picture taking!

No Nikon L110 is not a DSLR camera its just a good zoom camera you can't change lens with this one. If you are really interested in photography than I would suggest to have a look at Nikon D3100, Nikon D3000, Canon XS