Nikon SLR Cameras

Is there a smaller, more compact camera version of this?


Or if you have better suggestions for an eighth grade girl who is a bit clumsy. Hehe thank you so much! <3 i love taking pictures and i need specifics to get a camera. 0
*this is the camera:

Added (1). Oh, I'm not really clumsy. I just want something sturdy and Strong. Just in case. And something cute, well not cute, i don't know rly something that looks casual but professional-ish. Not like werid looking. I'm sorry for being so picky T_T

Added (2). Oh, I'm not really clumsy. I just want something sturdy and Strong. Just in case. And something cute, well not cute, i don't know rly something that looks casual but professional-ish. Not like werid looking. I'm sorry for being so picky T_T

Added (3). Oh, and i'm not looking for a rly expensive camera, just a good one. And i d like a cheap one because the money problem: P

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis


the reason why they are so big is because of the optical viewfinder and the large sensor

you can get something like one of the sony NEX cameras which have the same size sensor and can also offer very nice results, but if you are clumsy, you really shouldn't be handling an expensive camera.

learn to not be clumsy and look at the NEX cameras.

also… For the love of god, don't put your text speak nonsense (i.e. ". 0") into a question, as it makes you look like the stereotypical 8th grade ignorant pest that so many of us loathe


Not really…

If you're clumsy, you should consider buying a shockproof point & shoot, such as the Coolpix AW100 or an Olympus Tough.


Try the Pentax K-x. It also comes in red, yellow, green, pink and a hundred other color combinations.


You may check out for compact interchangeable lens cameras such as Sony NEX-5N. This camera is stunning. Such crisp images and such a great preview screen. I have not regretted this purchase for even an instant. If you don't have one, you should.