Is the nikon d5500 worth it?
Is the nikon d5500 worth it? - 1
Yes but its too old.
Any camera is "worth it" if it does what you want it to do. A good photograph is 90% photographer, 5% camera and 5% lens.
Absolutely! It's a really nice and nifty camera model; in fact, if you compare specs with the (one year) newer D5600 model, you'd find that they're so similar that it's very difficult to distinguish in performance and specs. Nikon puts out a great variety of lenses for when you improve and grow as a photographer but you'll need to ensure you get lenses with the built-in autofocus mechanism since both the D5500 and D5600 don't have the in-camera autofocus mechanism. Bottom line, you'll enjoy that beauty for many years to come; it's a surprisingly great camera, and you'll really enjoy the body build, the ergonomics and camera performance.
Dear Sir, Mam,
I'm no more intelligent than you, please type in the camera model
On Flickr and see how many folk have bought one, and check out the
Images for an answer thanks.
Under camera finder in the upper toolbar.
Remember a D7-- is better because it has a magnesium
Frame, the D5-- l don't think do, but carbon fibre would be just as strong.
Don't drop either though.
And have a brilliant day
Very best wishes
Source. Photography school.
teds cameras comparisons nikon 5500 and nikon 5600
Well worth it only if you know exactly what you are doing and if your budget only allows you to get that.
"Worth it" compared with what? See also the answer by Geek-in-training.
It's worth it if you need what it can do over less expensive models. Personally I hate Nikon's D3xxx series of cameras because Nikon stripped out the auto-focusing motors. This makes buying lenses more complicated and narrows your choices of AF lenses. Add in the fact that many of Nikon's lenses don't manually focus very well (e.g. Any of their non pro models), this is a big deal. So, for me at least, the D5xxx series is a much better option.
On the other hand, if the D5500 CAN'T do what you want it to do, then no, it's not worth it. For example, Nikons are very bad at video. So pretty much no Nikon is worth buying if you need it for video, with the possible exception of the new D500.
All of this is predicated on you actually using the camera regularly. No camera is worth buying if it's just going to be collecting dust in a closet.
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