Nikon SLR Cameras

Is Nikon J1 a dslr camera?


Just wanna know if Nikon J1 is a dslr or a digital camera? It looks like a digital but it does have the lens so i'm confused.cause if it's a dslr, i'd like to buy one for myself. If it's not, then i'll have to find some others.

oh and, do you guys recommend me J1( if it's a dslr) or a camcorder( JVC GZ-ms215 Everio)? & for those of you who've a J1, is the picture taken clear? Cause as much as i know, it's only 10MP:\\


It's a mirrorless compact camera with interchangeable lenses

What's wrong with 10MP? I use a camera with only 3.2MP for some things.

What are you taking pictures of? How big do you plan to display them?

You should be thinking more about what you want to take pictures of. A dslr has a much wider choice of lenses.

And if you're asking for help to choose between a camera and a camcorder I'm not really sure you have an idea what you're after.


It is an interchangeable lens camera but not a DSLR.

These type cameras are called either "Compact System Cameras", "Advanced Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens" (AMIL), "Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens" (EVIL), or Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera" (MILC).

So take your pick as to what you want to call it. Quality-wise, they are essentially in the middle between DSLRs and Compact (Point & Shoot) Cameras.

Don't put too much into the MegaPixel size. A DSLR like the Nikon D3000 has a 10Mp sensor, and will outperform both the 10Mp Nikon 1 as well as virtually any 14Mp to 16Mp compact camera.


Simple - the physical sensor size is more important than the MegaPixel count, and to that end, a DSLR has a much larger sensor than either the Nikon 1 or a typical Compact camera.

Relative sensor sizes:

DSLR: 330 to 860 Sq MM
Nikon 1: 116 Sq MM
Typical Compact Camera: 28mm

So a DSLR will have a sensor that is physically 3 times in surface area of a Nikon 1, and 10 to 40 times larger than a compact camera. And the Nikon 1 will have a sensor 4 times larger than the typical compact camera.

Again, the larger the physical size of the sensor the better. The main reason that compact cameras have bloated sensor sizes is nothing more than marketing - to get the uneducated to buy into their cameras.


Its a mirrorless camera. They are often confused with normal Point & shoot cams but the truth is mirorless cameras have sensors as big as DSLR cams and image quality is as good as any DSLR. But i wouldnt recommend the Nikon J1.instead try the Sony NEX 5n or NEX 7. The image quality of these are as good as or even better than higher end DSLR cams and they have sensors as big as the higher end DSLR's - 23.4x15.6 mm. Thats the sensor size of NEX 5n. If you are looking to get into photography go for the NEX 5n. You won't be disappointed.