Is 42nd St photo and other off sites safe?

I've been shopping for a new camera lately and I've settled on the Nikon D5500. It is around $850 on B&H with the 18-55mm lens and similar on Amazon. I went on Google shopping and found it for $630 with no tax and shipping on a site called 42nd St photo. I'm just curious if this site and others that show up on this search are safe? Also sites like DigitalRev and deltacloseouts.

Nikon and other name brand cameras are sold for exactly the same price regardless of where you buy ---- except if you are buying a "grey market" product that is cheaper but does not come with a USA warranty. If you want to buy this way, simply understand that if something goes wrong with it, you'll have to get it serviced somewhere outside the US.

I had no prob with 42nd st Photo, but it was years ago

If you do a google search for 42nd street photo reviews you will see countless horror stories.