I'm wanting a SLR, what brand Nikon or Canon?
I'm a teenage photographer. I don't want it to be over $600. I love light graffiti, macro shots, and i really love sports photography. Can you link me to some cameras if any ideas?
Added (1). Nevermind the $600… I could go over that.
I'm a teen too and I use a nikon d70s. It's aging though so I would get a d5100 or d90
If you don't want to go over $600 forget about an SLR. They don't do much good if you can't afford a selection of lenses. Maybe you should think of one of the new Ultra zooms like the Canon SX30 IS, Nikon COOLPIX P500, Fuji HS20 EXR or the Olympus SP-800UZ.
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