I want to know how step by step to get paid for print work as a photographer?

I have two pro nikon cameras and i want to know the steps on work i can get paid for my photo in mag

If it was that easy, everyone would do it.

1: Decide which mags are likely to want the kind of photography that you do. If you have a particular hobby or area of interest (bmx biking, snowboarding, vintage vehicles) then look at the specialist press for these things. See if they accept unsolicited photography. Quite a lot do. Some don't.
2: Take your two pro Nikons and go out and take some pro-level shots. You have the expertise (I assume that you're not one of these types who thinks that pro-level shots happen as if by magic merely because you're using a D3s). You know what you're looking to do because you've trawled a few copies of bmx monthly, or whatever, and you know the kind of stuff they publish. And because you have a special interest in the subject, you will know how to get the right shots.
3: Submit your best stuff to the mag. Only your best stuff. Be utterly ruthless in pruning out your weaker shots. Be sure that you follow the spec. That they give you (file type, size etc.) along with a covering email and extended captions.
4: Hope for the best.
Other information:
Don't bother with National Geographic unless you are among the top 50 or so travel/wildlife photographers in the world. (EDIT: or unless you're Tim). If you are, they'll know about you, and you wouldn't need to be asking this question here anyway.
Expect a lot of rejection slips, or their electronic equivalent.
Don't expect to get rich.

The process is simple.
Just contact photo editors for magazines you are interested in working with. Send a short email with a couple of sample images as well as a link to your website.
Follow up with postcards to the editors a few times each year.
No magazine is "too big." The first image I ever published was in National Geographic. The key was having the right image at the right time.
Why did that get a thumbs down?