I want to buy Orion binoculars instead Bushnell but?

Sorry guys for asking many questions because I'm just a beginner stargazer. I posted many questions about binoculars and I searched through internet and I found that Orion or Nikon are decent binoculars. I have 200usd and I want to buy the Orion(I think 12x80 with tripod) in the internet but I don't have credit card. Even good malls here in our region don't even sell binoculars like orion and nikon. They only sell bushnell(the 10x50 falcon). What should I do now? Just spend my money to buy the average bushnell because I don't have a choice?
Added (1). Anyway I'm not able to connect my bank acc to paypal and to register for credit card because my mother don't want me to do it.
Added (2). @Alex: haha PH. D? Is that true? Didn't I say MY BANK ACC? Ofcourse people under 18 need their parent's decision.

Find somebody like your dad who has a credit card and ask him to buy the Orion binocs for you, say, for your birthday. Tell him the Orion are a good buy.

The Bushnell falcon binoculars will be okay for stargazing. There's plenty you can see and learn about astronomy using them. If you find you want something better you can save up for a telescope. Its good to start with binoculars, you don't spend too much money for a telescope before you are ready or before you decide that you don't really like astronomy.

Back when I was your age (55 years ago) banking was much simpler. Credit cards didn't exist. To order my first telescope, I got a money order from my bank and sent it by snail mail to Edmund Scientific in Barrington NJ, and a month later I received my telescope. I know you can still get money orders, but I'm not sure whether Orion accepts them; I would think they do.
[Edit] I just checked Orion's web page, and they accept personal checks for mail orders:
If so, they'll certainly accept a money order or certified check, which your bank can issue.

Bushnell products are barely above junk grade. Go with Orion or Nikon
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