I'm buying a Canon 7D in 2 hours - portrait lens

I'm about to buy a Canon 7D DSLR. I'm beginning photography but I'm a really fast learner. My main type of photography will be portrait and people. Also events in night clubs. What accessories should I buy? I know I need a light diffuser and stuff like that but which one is good? Also what lens specs should I get. I want to be able to take close ups if I'm kind of far away as well. I want it to look as professional as possible as I develop my eye -- like commercial grade stuff. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. I bought the Nikon 5000 but don't really like it and was told it was a beginner camera but Best Buy has a special for 3 years no interest so I have plenty of time to develop my skill with a great camera.

Portrait lens, especially in low light, the Canon 50mm f/1.8 or faster.
An excellent zoom lens is what I use.
However this isn't a good low light lens. It's excellent for portraits also but only if you have enough light.
I do portrait work with it but I've added two strobe flash units or I do them outdoors, also with flash to fill in the shadows that always come from bright sun.
Good Luck. Oh, by the way, the 7D isn't a "professional" camera either. You'd have to go to the
5D mark 2 for a full size sensor - about $3, 500 with a lens.

The camera you buy doesn't matter.
Someone sure pressed your buttons so you would buy a camera you don't really need at a huge price increase.
There are NO beginner cameras, only entry level. They (cameras) all work the same.
If you wanted a better camera, you should have looked at the Nikon D7000 or Nikon D300s
I'm really surprised at how uninformed intelligent people are when it comes to buying a dSLR.
But maybe this is because no one takes the time (three or four months) to do the research necessary to know when a salesperson is blowing smoke or not. Nor do they take even a basic class in photography before spending from $600 to $2, 500 on a fully adjustable camera.
Here is a shot taken with an older "beginner" camera. What exactly do you expect the Canon 7D to do that this old D40 can't.
Breathe and go into a real camera store and hold the Canon 60D and 7D in your hands as well as the Nikon D7000 and D300's and see 1) which feels better and 2) which allows you to make common changes in camera settings the easiest. These changes include white balance, ISO, EV and shooting modes.
One of those cameras will clearly be the winner in YOUR hands, not ours
Had you taken a class in photography, you would know that the most common portrait lens on a dSLR using an APS-C sensor is one with a focal length of either 50 mm or 60 mm.

I would suggest you buy a D90 and keep the D5000 as a backup. Nikons are known for their flash photography, something you might need for your portrait photography in the near future.
Fast primes would be great for portraits, 50mm, 85mm, 135mm and maybe even a 200mm. Fast zooms would be versatile in night clubs. As far as accessories I would suggest a flash and a diffuser, extra batteries, memory cards, tripod and a good bag to hold them all for starters.

I would consider Canon EF 35mm f/2 Wide Angle Lens for Canon SLR Cameras
Technical Details
EF mount; wide-angle lens
Compact and lightweight
35mm focal length
f/2 maximum aperture
Overall linear extension system with Autofocus drive

I would recommend you to buy Canon EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Standard Zoom Lens for Canon SLR Cameras
*28-135mm standard zoom lens with f/3.5-5.6 maximum aperture for Canon SLR cameras
*Delivers sharp, natural-looking pictures in dim lighting without requiring flash or tripod
*Ring-type USM adjustment system for swift, silent autofocusing and full-time manual focus
*Close focusing distance of 20 inches; 75- to 18-degree diagonal angle of view
*Measures 3.1 inches in diameter and 3.8 inches long; weighs 18.9 ounces; 1-year warranty
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