Nikon SLR Cameras

I got fed up carrying around a big dslr lke the Canon XTI?


And my crappy little Kodak m530 was exactly what I thought, a cheap point and shoot so I'm thinking about going with the EVIL camera by Sony, nex 5 or nex 3, local futureshop canda has a 300 savings on the nex 3 incuding an extra lens, I really don't need a nex 5 because I do not own a HD tv, anyone have any experience with these camera, I'm a budding amateur photographer and have been told I have a knack for it but should I go with the Nikon 3100 or the Sony nex


If you thought the Rebel XTi was too big, then you'll think the same thing about the Nikon.

The Sony NEX bodies are not much bigger than the Kodak, yet have DSLR sensors and interchangeable lenses. They use Sony E mount lenses, and can use Alpha/Minolta lenses through an adapter.

The Sony A33/A55 fit in the middle of the two… Bridge camera size bodies, full DSLR features. Alpha mount lenses.

If you are shooting for minimal size, the NEX bodies are the way to go. If slightly larger is OK, look at the A33 and A55. If you can find a store with them in stock, you will see just how small they really are.

Jim A
Jim A

I've been in this business a long time and to me this EVIl thing is a high priced gimmick and that's all it is. First, no view finder - ugh. That appeals to those who are "hooked" on holding their little
P&S cameras in front of them and using the screen for nothing more than "snaps". Not my idea of photography but hey…

Second, these cameras call out about changeable lenses… Why? Is that something special? Not really, dslr cameras have been doing that for years.So, what do you have? An expensive gimmick that's nothing more than a fancy, over priced P&S with one extra feature - you can change lenses.

Trust me, a good bridge camera will do the same things and far less. And most of them actually have a view finder.


If I were wanting to get an DSLR I would pick a brand that has been doing it for a while, and personally I always avoid Sony. Go with the Nikon, or find a Canon equivalent.


I bought the Sony NEX3 about 5 days ago. It is a terrific camera with excellent image quality and high ISO performance. I have my Canon XSi up for sale and planned to use the NEX in it's place. I'm still selling my DSLR but, unfortunately, am returning the NEX.

When in shooting mode, such as PMode, the camera settings on the LCD can be very difficult to see. I don't want to have to struggle to see, for example, Exposure Compensation settings that I often change. No AE/AF lock either.

Also, the menu system is too "deep" and can be quite frustrating for a photographer who likes to quickly and more easily change settings. It takes me about 30 clicks/presses to get to the format menu to format my memory card.

The NEX camera has great potential but I personally want something more sophisticated so I'm sitting on the sidelines a while longer. But many are happy with the camera and I certainly think most point-and-shooters, looking for image quality on par with many DSRLs, would be thrilled with the NEX.