I can't find SD card in Device manager on Windows 7?

I recently got this new gateway computer with windows 7 on it. It will not recognize my SD card with my Nikon Coolplix digital camera 512 MB card. I need to update the driver from the Device manager, but I don't know what to look for in the device manager to do that? I can't seem to find anything indicating a memory card in the device manager. Where in device manager do I need to go to to update driver? My old computer had XP, and Windows 7 is taking me awhile to get used to since I never used it before. They should have made everything in the same spot. Any info will be helpful. Thanks.
Added (1). @ Bruce. Nothing is bringing up in the search.
Added (2). My computer is not even making any noise when I push the card in. It will not even go in the lock position inside the SD card reader. The sd card itself is in the unlocked position too.

In Device Manager, look under disk drives.
It should also show up in Computer as a drive if there's a card inserted.
Win7 shouldn't need any additional drivers.
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