I'm trying to decide between the Nikon D610 and Canon 7D mark II?

My budget is 3,000 canadian dollars and I shoot a little of everything so a lot of family things as well as school events such as sport events, community events, graduation, vacation, landscape, nature

The Nikon D610 is a full frame camera
The Canon 7D, Mark II is a cropped sensored camera
Neither camera comes with a lens, so that will be an additional expense
Here is how those two sensors compare when it comes to colour depth, dynamic range and low light (high ISO) performance
What you do not seem to have budgeted for are the lenses you will need for shooting sports, events and landscapes.
Here is a second link that shows you what different focal length lenses "see". From it you should be able to determine which lens you will want to buy first.

A camera body without a lens is a paperweight.
The fact that you can't decide between cropped-sensor and full-frame suggests that you don't need the latter.
The Pentax K-50 twin-lens kit will give you a perfectly adequate DSLR and lenses (18-55mm and 50-200mm) that will deal with most of the situations you're likely to encounter at a far lower price.

Either camera will do. They are very good models and whatever you get, you end up with the same picture.

Pentax makes very good cameras, too,
and you really should include that brand in your considerations.

This is one of the easier ones 4 me because it's more general. Well. Like I say, you can compare cameras at Dpeview.com. If both are at the same level they are just about equal in at least one or two ways, such as photo quality. A good lens for this kind of photos IMO is probably a 50mm. If you go with Canon, you may be able to use ML. I like they're white lenses. Man, I don't anymore if this is an easy one 2 answer. But at least I will keep learning

You can compare cameras at Dpeview.com. If both are at the same level, they may be equal, l in at least one or two ways, such as photo quality. Good lence used for IMO is probably a 50mm.

Unless you are taking it into very tough conditions, the Canon 7D Mk II offers little advantage over a Canon 70D or 80D.
Full frame has some potential image quality advantage over APS-C, but you pay a bundle for the lenses, and it takes pro quality lenses to get decent corner sharpness in full frame.
Of the prosumer full frames, the Nikon D610 competes against the Canon 6D, and I think that Canon's EF 24-105mm f4L IS gives it the edge over Nikon's 24-85mm AF-S VR or 24-120mm f4 AF-S VR.

I'd look at a Nikon D5200. You could also get a 18-55mm, 55-200mm and a 50mm 1.8g with that kind of money.
Look into " refurbished " items. I've had great luck with them. I recently bought a Nikon D7000 that had a shutter count of 29!
A Nikon D7200 would be even better.

The Canon 7D Mk II offers little advantage over a Canon 70D or 80D. Full frame has some potential image quality advantage over APS-C, but you pay a bundle for the lenses, and it takes pro quality lenses to get decent corner sharpness in full frame. They are very good models and whatever you get, you end up with the same picture.

This is one of the easier ones 4 me because it's more general. Well. Like I say, you can compare cameras at Dpeview.com. If both are at the same level they are just about equal in at least one or two ways, such as photo quality. A good lens for this kind of photos IMO is probably a 50mm. If you go with Canon, you may be able to use ML. I like they're white lenses. Man, I don't anymore if this is an easy one 2 answer. But at least I will keep learningkk
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