Nikon SLR Cameras

How to tune a guitar?


I use an electric tuner and I believe my strings are not Nikon or metal. I know how to tune the guitar itself but my tuner has these things that say 6E/1E, 5A, 4D, 3G, 2B in that order. Are those like the individual strings?

Joey tinge
Joey tinge

Online guitar tuner!


Yep those are the individual string. It's like 6th string (E), 1st string (E), 5th string (A) and so forth.


Yep! The numbers are the strings and the letters on the are their respective notes. Remember this to remember the strings' notes, from the top (highest and thinnest string or "high e") Easter Bunnies Go Down An Elevetor, the first letter of each word i the note of each string