Nikon SLR Cameras

How to put pictures from my Nikon onto my Macbook Pro?


I just got a Nikon d1500 & I was wondering how I put pictures i took from it onto my Macbook Pro?


Remove the memory card and insert it into your computers card reader.

Using Finder, copy all the image files to a new file folder named for the subject and date so you can find them again.

Once they are safely on your computer, format the card using the cameras format feature, NOT your computer


The easiest way is to remove the card and put it into your card reader (SD Slot).It should be located on the left side, near the USB ports. The card is inserted with the label up, the gold/silver contacts down.

Otherwise, Install the software that came with the CD. Hook up the USB cable to the computer and camera. Turn on the camera and open the software. Then do a file import and select the camera as the source.

I would recommend the SD card option, must faster transfer.

Also, never delete photos from the SD card from the computer. This can corrupt the card, I recommend once imported to put the card back into the camera and format it in the camera. Only do this once you are 100% sure you have the images on your computer.


Nikon does not list that model number, but there's a d5100:

You can use a USB cable, but taking the memory card out is easier.