How to load 35mm film into a Nikon?

Hi, my Nikon F75 doesn't have slots to load the film into. Can you help me? There's just a metal piece.

The F75 (N75 in the States) should be easy enough to load if you have owned a 35 mm SLR in the past.
If not, here is a link to the user manual for the F75. Page 20 will give you the instructions you need

The "take up£ reel should definitely have slots for the film to be inserted into. Are you positive it hasn't?!
If you have a reel without slots (if one exists) then get hold of one with slots… I'm sure a camera shop will have some lying around.

Your camera has an automated film loading feature. Unlike much older cameras, you do NOT take the leading edge of the film and slide it into a slot.
Put the cartridge on left side. Stretch the film across the opening and into a take up spool area, and over the spool. Stretch it so that end of the film meets the red mark near the take up spool. Again, you place your film OVER the spool, not INTO the spool. Close the lid and you'll hear a motor whine.
The film counter should show "1" if it loaded successfully. If it shows ERR, then it failed to load it.