How to load film in a Nikon N65 camera?

I bought a used N65 and it didn't come with a manual. I'm scared to mess up the film so I want someone to tell me how to put film into it. This is my first photography class ever and first time using an old camera like this.

Ask your teacher to help you. It's difficult to explain this in word-form.

Nikon N65
nikon n65.manual set pdf files,
manual set pdf 1 pg 12
there's a button on left side you press down,
the back side opens to place film in,
center on round circle on bottom and align,
then pull start of film roll over to right side,
attach to gear on winding, move ahead slightly,
and close lid, then move to first frame,
download and read rest of manual for further tips,
"Nikon N65" group